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  • Writer's pictureMindy Johnstone

Intro to 'THE MAGIC'

I was introduced to this book last summer during one of my readings. The woman unintentionally mentioned an exercise that you do about writing down all the things we are most grateful for and something that had to do with a gratitude rock.

Nevertheless, my attention was peeked and I inquired a bit more about the source of it. When I learned it was the creators of 'The Secret' I immediately was attracted to the concept of whatever it entailed. Mostly because for almost 2 decades, I find myself doing yearly vision boards and that exercise alone has brought more magic into my life then I can count!

I have always been drawn towards esoteric study through Tarot, Oracle cards and visualization methods. As a young girl of 13 I would spend my lunch hours devouring books on E.S.P, telepathy, palmistry, you name it.

This new book that arrived into my life last summer, is something so unique in itself. It talks to mankind from a scientific, philosophical and spiritual understanding. The Magic is about the LAW OF ATTRACTION. The Universe brings only what we are attracted to. It doesn't define between what's good for us or not. Considering this it gives us pause to evaluate what is is we are truly attracting into our life.

Start by having a look around you right now. (Since most of us are at home these days, we can really take in what type of scenario we built for ourselves). There is no judgement here: you are just simply taking an inventory of everything that you created. Your family, your friends, where you live, the books on your shelf, the car you drive, the line of work you do, your interest, your hobbies, your clothes, your thoughts, your emotions and so on.

We have landed ourselves into this present day through some form of the law of attraction.

Even consider our current Global Pandemic. We have spent the last decade really pushing the idea of climate change, over population, disconnection. Now we are forced to stop and press that big pause button. Suddenly the idea of travel doesn't seem as appealing. A focus on our home and loved ones have become our priority. Maintaining our health is one of our greatest concerns. What a blessing it is to actually SLOW DOWN and reflect upon our basic needs. What is important now is to create a universal force that focuses on an elevated state. A positive mind set and above all else GRATITUDE.

Tomorrow is Day 1 of 28 days that as a collective we are going to change our perspective not just for ourselves but for all of mankind! Reflecting on what we are grateful for and adding reinforcement of WHY we are is going to bring in some potency. It is easy to write down things we feel fortunate about but to be able to express in words why we are grateful adds more Magic to our lives. Over the next 28 days, you will be using the Magic words of 'THANK YOU' more times than you thought possible! Each day you'll notice almost a veil starting to lift, because you can see more clearly of what is important.

I am truly excited to embark on this journey with you. The results are nothing short of MAGICAL. When I finished my 28 days last summer, my family and I were on a canoe trip on the Westcoast. We were there because I LOVE Orca whales and had never seen one in the wild. On our first day out, we were paddling across a sound and lo & behold in the distance was a pod of Orcas! One swam right in front of our canoe leaving me with tears of joy. I thought that was going to be the highlight until the last day of 28. We had the biggest male Orca swim right in front of our beach at dinner time and then proceed to turn and face us to belly rub on the shoal. It was MAGICAL on so many accounts, from natural wonderment to extreme bliss!

This is what I'm talking about my friends. I want you to experience the MAGIC. I want you to see the beauty in the everyday more than ever before. So find your favorite journal. Have it close to your bedside, because tomorrow morning when you wake up, the magic is going to begin.

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