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Over 10 years of quality yoga in Banff


It is with heavy hearts that we are announcing the permanent closure of Rocky Mountain Yoga studio effective May 1st. This spring has brought realities that have impacted our ability to financially sustain the yoga studio. We have researched many different outcomes and unfortunately we have to move forward with closing the studio.  

Please know that we have not made this decision lightly and that the result does not just impact us personally but you as well. We regret that we cannot refund passes and understand that it is a huge part of how you have supported the studio over the years. Our community and all the things we love from skiing, pools and yoga studios have been investments in our health and wellness. To not be able to provide that service is something we have all been effected by.


For some RMY was a place to do yoga, for others, it was a second home. Over the past decade we grew together as a community and went through countless experiences, more than I can name. We celebrated our successes on and off the mat. It was a place we came to in search of refuge, to heal, meet friends, bask in love, delight in news of pregnancies, console each other in times of loss. So many wondrous achievements and firsts were shared on the mat, touching your toes for the first time, clasping your fingers in a bind, rising into headstand, blissful moments in meditation, learning to teach and learning to fly. You have all graced the space and left your heart prints with us for a lifetime. There is so much more that can be said about each and every one of you. I do hope that we cross paths so I can share with you why you made a difference in making RMY the remarkable studio that it was.


I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to create a space to call 'Om.  Not in my wildest dreams did I ever expect it to flourish as much as it did. A special thank you goes out to each and every one of the teachers. I couldn't of asked for a more loving group of instructors to celebrate this journey with. Rocky Mountain Yoga studio was about community and I sincerely thank you for making this happen, I feel incredibly blessed and forever grateful. With a deep bow to the past, I hold tightly the treasure chest full of sweet memories. Looking into the future for all of us, I see only an abundance of possibility. This is a time that has called us all to stop, reflect and make positive changes for a brighter future. Even though this is an ending, in someways it's a start of something special for our community and the world as a whole. We have to know when the right moment is to let go. 


Nikos Kazantzakis wrote this powerful quote that defines a teaching school well and it is with this intention that I look forward to see what comes to fruition.


'True teachers use themselves as bridges, inviting their students to cross,  then having facilitated their crossing joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.'


Thank you for being apart of this amazing journey. 

Much love,

Mindy Johnstone

Founder of Rocky Mountain Yoga Studio 2009-2020

Opening November 2009
A Place to Call Om
RMY Tanks
30 Day Challenge
1st 30 Day Challenge 2011
RMY Teachers
Bija Yoga Teachers Training
Charly in Savasana
Vanessa, Maureen
Smiley Yogis
Yin Training
Erin teaching
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