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  • Writer's pictureMindy Johnstone

DAY 14: Have A Magical Day

In order for you to have a good start to your day you can apply this easy practice to kick start the magic! Inviting the practice of gratitude to your to do list can change the effect of the outcome for each task you have in place. Even if your day consist of the regular life maintenance you'll find that adding a sprinkle of gratitude BEFORE you do it can make every day routines run smoothly and effortlessly.

First thing this morning go through a list in your head of all the things you plan on doing. Include phone calls, emails, online yoga practice, cleaning your kitchen, laundry, helping the kids with school, buying groceries, cooking you name it! Don't let any small task go unnoticed. For each item on your list say the magic words 'Thank you!

Remember you are using the law of attraction by giving thanks to the experience before it happens. Like a magnet, you are bound to receive the results going well if you feel and believe it too. Think of those mornings you woke up in a bad mood and as your day went on the snowball effect got bigger and bigger leading to one heck of a bad day. You can change that effect by using this practice to create a magical day by wiping out any unexpected problems.

You can emphasize your gratitude by saying in your mind or out loud examples like these: "Thank you for the amazing results from the phone call today," Thank you for the trip to the grocery store going smoothly and finding everything I needed on my list!", "Thank you for my incredible yoga practice where I experienced a break through I never felt before"

When your list is complete by utilizing the power of gratitude for every task and event, end the practice with 'Thank you for the great news coming to me today!'

Once you finish with this last sentence you'll start to notice at the end of each day the little blessings that appear more and more in your life. This is the magic!

Magic Practice #14 Have A Magical Day!

1. Count your blessings. Make a list of 10 blessings. Write WHY you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say, Thank you, thank you, thank you (3x), and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can. 2. In the morning, think of the plans you have for the day and all the way until bedtime. With each plan or event, say the magic words 'Thank You!' for each one going well before it happens. Imagine that you're saying 'Thank You at the end of the day and you are so grateful because it went smoothly and effortlessly.

3. Once you've finished being grateful for your to do list going magically well, end your practice by saying: "And thank you for the great news coming to me today!" 4. Before you go to sleep, take your magic rock in one hand and say the magic words, Thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day. (Based on the book 'The Magic' by Rhonda Bryne)

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