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  • Writer's pictureMindy Johnstone

DAY 10: Magic Dust Everyone

If you are young at heart, today's practice is going to take you back in time to the joy of using your imagination. Like Tinkerbell, each one of us is going to produce a magic satchel of dust and sprinkle it on people that have performed a service that has made our life easier . As our interactions are quite limited these days, we may not physically encounter them but we definitely have benefited from their service at some point in our life.

Today, sprinkle your magic dust on 10 people that have performed a service. This could be from your outing to the grocery store. Make a conscious effort to look at the person behind the till and say the magic words, 'Thank you'. If you really think about it, they are at the front line each day, having to interact with so many different people and risking their own health to service you. So saying 'Thank you' and meaning it is going to make a difference not only to them but your sincerity is going to change things for you.

There of been people that you recently have been on the phone with that have helped you organize your accounts. Customer service representatives for banks, insurance agents, airline operators, live chats for online phone services; each one of these individuals deserve our recognition and a sprinkle of magic! Find 10 different circumstances where you can send gratitude towards by either thanking them directly otherwise mentally acknowledge them. Especially those health care workers, janitors, truck drivers and delivery services who are the heart of day and well being.

Magic Practice #10 Magic Dust Everyone

1. Count your blessings. Make a list of 10 blessings. Write WHY you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say, Thank you, thank you, thank you (3x), and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

2. Today, sprinkle magic dust on 10 people who have performed a service that has benefited you by thanking them directly or otherwise mentally acknowledging and thanking them. Feel as grateful to them as you can for the service they perform! Especially those people on the front line today: Health care workers, delivery drivers, sanitation workers and more are the heart of keeping us healthy and alive!

3. Before you go to sleep, take your magic rock in one hand and say the magic words, Thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

***To start tomorrow's practice, it begins the moment you open your eyes!***

Read below for a Magic Morning

1. When you wake up to the new day, before you do a single thing, say the magic words 'Thank you!'

2. From the moment you open your eyes until you finished getting ready, say the magic words 'Thank you', in your mind for everything you touch and use.

(Based on the book 'The Magic' by Rhonda Bryne)

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