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  • by Mindy Johnstone

Day 4: New Moon in Capricorn 2018

I love New Moons. It is a time of planting seeds, fresh intentions and having a strong belief that what ever it is your seeking will flourish in ways beyond your imagination. This my friends is a time of new beginnings, you may already have that sense with the start of 2018 and embarking on a 30 day yoga challenge! What is special about this particular lunar cycle is that it falls in Capricorn and is the first one of the New Year. Capricorn's are an earthy sign and being stable is natural to their nature. We can all benefit from these qualities by seeking yoga practices that keep you grounded on our feet and focusing on the inhalation to draw more prana (energy) during these phases. At New Moons our energy may feel a likely more introverted and a need for self discovery may be pulling at you. So, today and over the next few days, pay close attention to the energies that are surrounding you. What is it that your most drawn to focus on? This can give you some incredible insight and guidance of what's in store for you in 2018. Dream big and reach for the stars!

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