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  • Intro by Erin Evans Interview by Mindy

Day 18: Spotlight on Chie Fujimaru

It is rare to encounter a person that is devoted to selfless service. Chie Fujimaru is exactly that. She has been teaching and practicing at Rocky Mountain Yoga since the beginning. She is above nothing. Before class you can find her cleaning the nooks and crannies of the studio. She is a devout practitioner with a strong and steady practice. Her love of yoga transcends beyond her mat to the students and teachers of RMY. Chie's hard work never goes unnoticed.

Chie in Rooster pose ~ Happy New Year!

RMY How long have you been practicing yoga for?

CF 10 years for yoga asana. Meditation since grade 6.I was curious at home. I would go to the library and then take out a book on meditation

RMY How old are you?

(Chie is ageless but always a fun fact)

CF I'll be 43 in 3 weeks! I am Pisces but my moon is in Aquarius. Very watery and very funny, spiritual creatures.

RMY How long have you lived in Banff?

CF Since 1994! I was born in Tokyo but grew up in the biggest town in Japan

RMY Chie you've mentioned before that you like music. How does that influence you when you teach?

CF I have a pitch for music, where I can listen to it and with one hand play the tune on the piano. That's probably why I love to use the (singing) bowls at the end of the class. I will play the bowl for however many people are there. If fifteen students join, I'll play it that many times so each person can feel cleansed.

RMY Do you have any daily yoga rituals?

CF I wake up every morning to do the neti pot. (This is a cleansing technique where you take warm salted water and pour into the nostrils on each side letting it drain steadily).

100% every time I do the neti pot before I teach. Its a ritual and a cleanse so I can speak more clearly and be a channel for yoga.

RMY Not many people may know this but you teach yoga in Japanese 3 times a week at the studio. You are so committed to the group of people that come here. How did that start?

CF I've been teaching yoga in Japanese for 5 years. When I first took my teacher's training I thought the English word Sacrum was Cyclone! ( she laughs) And I kept on thinking what is this cyclone in the body? I didn't get it. As I hear it again I thought Sacrum was spelt with a 'C' until I researched it up on the computer.

So I thought, how many people made that mistake and I start to realize this is important to teach in Japanese. Most of the students are retired or half retired and they have time for themselves. I feel like I have a responsibility for their health. A lot are over 60, some people come that are working from Japan so its a good way to meet people. It's fun!

Catch a class with Chie on Saturday mornings 9am at RMY.

You'll love her gentle humor and nurturing ways.

Drop ins are always welcome to Yoga in Japanese if your visiting or live in town

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays 10:30am-11:30am

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