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  • Mindy Johnstone

Day 8: Yoga 6 Days a Week

The commitment to practice 6 days in a row is big. To do anything consecutively requires discipline, stamina and support. The lovely thing about practicing yoga at a studio is being able to try on different styles and levels that you may not otherwise put on your to do list. The results of the practice will unfold over these next few weeks more so than committing to one or two yoga sessions per week. The only way we know this is by putting our bodies and mind to the test.

To follow in the steps of traditional Ashtanga Yogis, we have set up the challenge in the same way of 6 days on, 1 day off. The method has been described to be in sync with the planetary aspects of each day and how it may effect us. Traditional Ashtangis, practice Mysore style (which is a self led practice with a teacher present to give adjustments), starting on Sunday through to Thursday. Fridays are a led Primary Series that is taught by a teacher and students move together through the sequence following each breath on cue.

You don't have have to be an Ashtanga yogi to enjoy the beauty behind a regular practice. The effect is the same and promotes health and wellness. For a fun fact, see how the planets influence you on a daily basis.

Here is a closer look at their properties.

SUNDAY :The 'Sun' being the source of enlightment is an auspicious day to begin your week's worth of yoga practice. Representing New Beginnings and Inspiration

MONDAY: Guided by the light of the 'Moon,' it carries over the sun's energy, lifting us out of our heads and into our bodies. The start of the week brings a deeper state of self inquiry.

TUESDAY: Ruled by 'Mars' (think Mardi in french), a planet that brings vitality and assertion. Perfect day to continue the motivation brought in from the sun and become actively engaged with movement of the body.

WEDNESDAY: Mercury, the planet of communication and balance. Now that your half way into your week, your body and mind may be sending you messages that need to tended to. Our work is to respond accordingly and find the balance that is needed. So if your feeling strong, check out that Intermediate class or if you have to take it easy, Yin may be calling your name.

THURSDAY:Governed by Jupiter, the energy is ever expanding and is the ideal day for research on the mat. Trying out new classes or that one posture you'd like to break down and explore. This is all about growth and being flexible

FRIDAY: Represented by the lovely Venus. Radiating compassion, creative power, love and bringing people together. It is no wonder why this day is when Ashtangis unite for a led practice. Ultimately, do what you love when your on your mat and let that carry its way into the rest of your day. Like the Friday goddess, Freya, it is a reminder to celebrate a week of hard work and all your success.

SATURDAY: Rest day off the mat. Saturn is the planet of the teacher. One who instructs at times hard lessons. This day is about setting boundaries and limits. Committing to balance your nature and enjoy this step by step process that you have embarked upon

See you on the mat=)

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