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  • Mindy Johnstone

Day 1: Shoot for the Stars!

Wow! What a brilliant start to 2018's 30 Day Challenge. The buzz in the air is contagious and to see over 70 people signed up for a month of wellness is so inspiring. It is a wonderful thing to see a community come together and lounge before and after class; voices of old and new friends reuniting on the mat, hugs and high fives to students giving it their first go of yoga is absolutely uplifting.

The hardest part of any yoga practice is getting out your door. So already I say to you 'Congratulations' to a job well done! Take one day at a time, mark your classes down and be flexible. Every day is going to be a little bit different then the last one. You may even want to keep a journal, tracking how your doing. Perhaps you'll notice a pattern, like by the 4th day your body may be filled with 'apanic energy'. (This is the feeling you get after hiking for awhile and you stop for lunch, the moment you rise to start again this weighted feeling has taken over your legs). Don't worry though as you may have experienced, this feeling passes. What keeps you coming back to the mat is the next day you feel like you can fly; your light on your feet, each transition is graceful and coordinated with your breath and your mind was so focused the class felt like it was only 5 minutes long! This is why its so important to keep going, to expect the unexpected and being fully immersed in the moment.

Time on your mat becomes a reflection of your day to day life. Your intentions do matter for the reason you have chosen to embark on this challenge. The difference you'll experience is not only apparent to you but to those we are in contact with. So my friends, I encourage you to Shoot for the Stars because you never know where you'll land and I guarantee its the journey along the way that keeps you coming back to the mat.

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